Each one of us is unique. Each of us has different views in life. None of us are alike. Not even the strands of hair that we have on our head. Not even our finger prints are the same. But there is this one little thing that would make us all agree as one. SECRETS.
Everyone has it's own secrets in life. It may be dark secrets or good ones. Some would say that they don't keep one to themselves. But I do believe that no matter how small it is, all of us have secrets hidden at the deepest part of ourselves. We tend to keep secrets for some reasons, especially, dark little ones. Fear is one of them. We fear that if people would discover our darker side, they might hate us. People, might criticize us. Civilization might isolate us. The world might not be able to accept us.
But I don't know. This is just my opinion. I was just actually wondering if there is even one person who doesn't have any SECRETS.
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