God always gives the very best to His children.
Our congregation just had a "Music Sunday" featuring the different ways of giving worship to our awesome Father. It shows that we can worship the ultimate Creator not just through singing but also in some other ways like dancing, acting or just by playing a musical instrument. The event also showcased the different talents that was yet to be discovered from every member of the congregation. The event has blessed so many and with this, to God be the glory. But since the event was all about exalting God, the enemy also didn't took a rest in stopping us from what we were about to do. The enemy had so many tactics that he really tried everything to divert our attention away from what is about to happen.
Just like with our group. We've been through a lot a week before the show. There were a lot of factors that almost made us give up. But the very frustrating one was when 2 of the performers who carried the main roles of the human video gave us the news that they couldn't make it for the show for some reason. We were very much worried about who would replace them. But though we haven't have found yet the replacements, we still continued with the final practice and we still worked on the props.
And then general practice day came. We're almost done with the props. We already have agreed with the costumes. All the casts were present except for the replacements. So, what we did with my co-director, we picked up the replacements from the casts. And we're glad to make one of them agreed to do one of the main roles. Then, general practice was over but we haven't showed the head of the event our presentation for the final critic yet coz we still haven't got the replacement for the major character. Then, we had a little talk with the group and discussed about the current situation. We we're actually on a now-or-never status. As we went on with the talk, we considered the factors that really encouraged us to pursue. Factors like the props was already 70% to completion. The efforts that was poured out by the group to come up with presentation. The sacrifices being made. And lastly, we don't want the enemy to be laughing at us for being such losers. After the talk, by God's grace, my brother stood out and agreed to do the major role. After everything was settled, we had a few run downs for the presentation and then we called it a night.
Finally, the day came and we were all on the rush coz we woke up kinda late. We still had some few last minute briefing and improvising. Then our moment came. We just entrusted our presentation all to God. As the music started to play, although there are some technical encounters, everything just went well. The group just had a very outstanding performance. This is all because of God who was and will always be in our midst. The presentaion brought blessing to each and everyone of us. And we were all glad that we didn't allow the enemy to hinder us from glorifying God. The day, though we're very much drained, ended so well.
To God be the glory! ^_^
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