I've got a new job. I found a resolution to my problem. I should be happy. I am happy. But when I would really dig deeper within me, it seems that something is still missing. It's something that I really don't know what it is. It's something that really haunts me everyday. It's something that really fogs my mind about it. It's something that I really don't have any idea where and how to find it. It's something that is really killing me. It's something that really drives me nuts.
Every minute of the day, questions would just flood me. Questions that can't be answered. Or let's just say, questions that has answers but I haven't just found them yet. Or maybe, the answers are just there but I just don't recognize them or I'm just in denial of those. Everyday, I would ask myself, "What would that missing piece be?". And everyday, I would try to find the answer. I'm actually sick and tired of going through this dilemma.
But I guess, answers will just come as I walk through my life's own path. And I think the answer to my dilemma is just around the corner. All I need is just to be aware of it and bring it into acknowledgment and learn to accept it into my life.
Missing piece, I'm on my way to find you.
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